Photo taken Jan 14 2024 in the Los Angeles County desert.
Answer will be displayed on June 1.
To start off, the pale gray hood leading into a brownish back, malar
leading from the bird’s shoulder to near its bill, and white breast
and throat immediately narrow this bird down to either a Sagebrush
Sparrow or Bell’s Sparrow. From this angle, we can see the most
reliable 3 field marks to separate these 2 species. Firstly, this bird
has a paper thin malar that trickles off near the bill, pointing to a
Sagebrush Sparrow. To further support this, the malar is a shade of
pale gray, lighter in color than its head, again pointing to a
Sagebrush Sparrow. Lastly, this bird has very coarse black streaking
all over its back, separating in a sort of V formation, leading to a
final identification of Sagebrush Sparrow.
Congratulations to Brandon, Riley, Henry M, Thomas L, Lily, Braxton, and Ben
for figuring out Sagebrush Sparrow!