Map of winter atlas blocks.

LA County Trial Winter Bird Atlas

Dec 2021 to Feb 2022

Get ready for the Los Angeles County Winter Bird Atlas! This is a trial atlas that involves a survey of wintering birds in thirteen “blocks” that were selected to cover the various types of habitat in Los Angeles County. The survey runs from December 1, 2021 through February 15, 2022. We plan to follow up with a much more ambitious project in several years (possibly 2024-2025 or 2025-2026): a winter atlas covering the entire county.

The following interactive map shows the blocks that will be covered in this trial atlas, and the eBird hotspots in each block:

Below is the same map, but in satellite view instead of street view:

And here is another map, with checklists entered as of Jan 12. (Note that due to Google Maps limitations, not all the checklists show up)


Preliminary preparations are underway for the second Los Angeles County Bird Atlas, which we hope to begin in 2025. In 1995-1999 we conducted the first Los Angeles County Breeding Bird Atlas (Allen et al. 2016), but with the second Atlas, we seek to conduct a winter atlas as well, which we have not done before.

In preparation for the winter atlas, and to familiarize ourselves with winter protocols, use of eBird for data entry, and to identify and solve logistical issues, we’re going to conduct a trial survey in the winter of 2021-2022 with a subset of blocks previously used in the 1995-1999 Atlas.


Survey Period: December 1, 2021-February 15, 2022.

eBird will be our principal tool for data entry. eBird will enable us to track progress quickly and will require considerably less work than manually entering data submitted by email or regular mail.

Our trial winter atlas will use 13 5.8 km x 4.6 km (3.6 mile x 2.9 mile) blocks, following the convention adopted in the 1995-1999 Atlas by Allen et al. (2016). Each block was obtained by dividing the United States Geological Survey 7.5’ topographic rectangles for the county into six regions of equal area. The 2021-2022 winter survey is a practice run and we will not attempt to survey all 400+ blocks that were included in the 1995-1999 Atlas.

The 13 trial blocks cover most of the major habitat types in Los Angeles County and also cover all but one of the larger 12 regions utilized in the Atlas from 1995-1999. We wanted to strike a balance between covering as many habitats as possible while also keeping the number of trial blocks to a manageable number.

A key rationale for conducting the trial winter atlas is to assess the number of survey hours necessary to achieve a reasonable level of completeness for each block. For this trial winter atlas, we want a minimum of 20 HOURS to designate a block as complete.

The 20 hours will consist entirely of birding during the day but we also welcome additional observations obtained at night, which we define as more than 20 minutes after sunset or more than 40 minutes before sunrise. Time contributed at night does not count toward the 20 hours necessary for completing a block.

The map on this website outlines the trial blocks in purple. You can zoom in to see the details of each block in either a street view or as a satellite view.

To contribute to the trial winter atlas, simply go to one of the atlas blocks, use normal ebird protocols to keep track of the numbers of each species you find, and then enter the data either using the eBird phone app or on a computer. Please enter “complete” lists that have specific start and stop times. This allows us to track the number of hours of effort in each block. Traveling, stationary, and areal are all examples of complete lists. Incidental checklists are also welcome but by definition they do not count toward the 20 hours (but the species documented will be recorded).

Group counts: for timekeeping purposes, we count the time of each group as one list (following the protocol used for Christmas Bird Counts). Thus, if a group of three people spend one hour in an area, that counts as one hour, not three.

In some instances it will be necessary to pay careful attention to block boundaries because some popular eBird hotspots are just outside or inside block edges (more on this below).

The trial blocks were chosen partly to avoid locations with very active hotspots (Piute Ponds, Malibu Lagoon, Bonelli Park, etc.) that already receive extensive coverage. However, a few of the blocks have hotspots such as the Caltech campus, the lower Arroyo Seco, and Zuma Beach that get decent amount of coverage, but other blocks are sparsely covered.

Surveys in multiple blocks are encouraged: there no need to limit efforts to only one. For this trial atlas, we are NOT asking people to formally sign up for any particular block. Due to our use of eBird, we will monitor progress toward completion on a weekly basis, so we’ll know quickly if some blocks are not getting coverage. It is also fine if blocks receive more than 20 hours of eBird lists. We will post results on the Los Angeles Birders website on a weekly basis.

We recommend having a map with you in the field to know your location on a block. There are several ways of doing this:

We also seek to determine how many species are present in each block during the winter, but we do not have target numbers that we expect to reach.

None of the trial blocks was affected in a significant way by the Bobcat Fire closure, which is scheduled to expire on April 1, 2022.

Identifications can be made visually or by sound, and as always, rare birds require documentation.

We will check eBird data and update our progress weekly on the Los Angeles Birders website. We may also hold informal Zoom meetings every 2-3 weeks to discuss progress, answer questions, and hear your suggestions.

Detailed information about each trial block


The following table shows the correspondence between the names of the blocks in the trial atlas, the names used in the Breeding Bird Atlas (Allen et al. (2016)), and the Christmas Bird Count circles (if any) that contain or overlap each block. Clicking on the block name downloads a PDF map of the block; but it may be easier to get the block map on your phone.

Block Allen et al. (2016) notation CBC Overlap
LON CE Long Beach 4 Region 1 Long Beach
TOP CE Topanga 4 Region 2 Los Angeles: only a bit
POI SW Point Dume 5 Region 2 Malibu: sliver on the SW
SOU NW South Gate 1 Region 3
SAD NW San Dimas 1 Region 4 Pomona
SAF SW San Fernando 5 Region 5 San Fernando
SAF NE San Fernando 2 Region 5 Santa Clarita: barely in the south
PAS SE Pasadena 6 Region 6 Pasadena
CRY CW Crystal Lake 3 Region 7
PAC NW Pacifico Mountain 1 Region 9
LIE NW Liebre Mountain 1 Region 10
LAE CW Lancaster East 3 Region 11 Lancaster
HIV CE Hi Vista 4 Region 12

Notes about each block:

Hotspots in each block

Most of the trial blocks have only a few eBird hotspots that aren’t close to the block edges, but some have hotspots that are barely inside or outside the blocks. In those cases, please pay close attention to your location relative to the block boundary. If the eBird hotspot is barely inside the block (examples: Caltech campus, Oakdale Memorial Park), please use the hotspot and please enter into your eBird checklist notes that you are counting birds only inside the block. If the eBird hotspot is barely outside the block (example: Saddleback Butte State Park), please do not use the hotspot but instead please create and use a personal hotspot that is inside the block, survey the area within the block, and enter into your eBird checklist notes that you are counting birds only inside the block.

Here are some known eBird hotspots that could cause trouble:

Here is a webinar explaining details of the trial atlas:

And here is a webinar covering preliminary results:

Preliminary results

Here for each date, we list the number of checklists, hours, and species in each block as of that date, so we can monitor the progress of the atlas.

04 December 2021

Block Checklists Hours Species
Crystal Lake CW 2 3.48 15
Hi Vista CE 7 2.70 18
Lancaster East CW 1 1.07 24
Liebre Mountain NW 1 1.22 15
Long Beach CE 17 21.40 69
Pacifico Mountain NW 4 2.57 26
Pasadena SE 11 11.28 52
Point Dume SW 5 4.92 47
San Dimas NW 3 2.82 37
San Fernando NE 0 0.0 0
San Fernando SW 2 0.75 5
South Gate NW 0 0.0 0
Topanga CE 1 0.60 6

08 December 2021

Block Checklists Hours Species
Crystal Lake CW 8 6.72 32
Hi Vista CE 7 2.70 18
Lancaster East CW 3 6.48 33
Liebre Mountain NW 3 4.50 21
Long Beach CE 21 23.95 68
Pacifico Mountain NW 4 2.57 26
Pasadena SE 27 27.37 69
Point Dume SW 5 4.92 47
San Dimas NW 11 9.13 56
San Fernando NE 0 0.0 0
San Fernando SW 4 2.58 32
South Gate NW 2 1.57 18
Topanga CE 4 6.43 23

15 December 2021

Block Minutes Checklists Hours Species
Crystal Lake CW 587 10 9.78 32
Hi Vista CE 487 11 8.12 21
Lancaster East CW 389 3 6.48 33
Liebre Mountain NW 763 12 12.72 41
Long Beach CE 1588 25 26.47 70
Pacifico Mountain NW 303 6 5.05 26
Pasadena SE 2556 42 42.6 78
Point Dume SW 470 6 7.83 53
San Dimas NW 758 17 12.63 64
San Fernando NE 320 1 5.33 23
San Fernando SW 468 10 7.8 48
South Gate NW 379 8 6.32 49
Topanga CE 376 3 6.27 23

20 December 2021

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 35 12 625 10.42
Hi Vista CE 22 12 503 8.38
Lancaster East CW 41 12 719 11.98
Liebre Mountain NW 42 13 838 13.97
Long Beach CE 77 42 2828 47.13
Pacifico Mountain NW 26 6 302 5.03
Pasadena SE 82 65 4146 69.1
Point Dume SW 69 9 775 12.92
San Dimas NW 67 20 923 15.38
San Fernando NE 32 4 400 6.67
San Fernando SW 50 17 697 11.62
South Gate NW 49 8 377 6.28
Topanga CE 34 5 541 9.02

26 December 2021

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 35 +2 20 970 16.17
Hi Vista CE 22 14 716 11.93
Lancaster East CW 42 20 1329 22.15
Liebre Mountain NW 42 22 1384 23.07
Long Beach CE 80 + 1 68 3870 64.5
Pacifico Mountain NW 28 9 527 8.78
Pasadena SE 100 + 2 128 6660 111
Point Dume SW 76 20 1712 28.53
San Dimas NW 68 + 1 27 1350 22.5
San Fernando NE 34 10 595 9.92
San Fernando SW 50 21 882 14.7
South Gate NW 57 13 630 10.5
Topanga CE 41 13 733 12.22

03 January 2022

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 35 + 2 15 845 14.08
Hi Vista CE 22 12 503 8.38
Lancaster East CW 42 13 888 14.8
Liebre Mountain NW 42 14 910 15.17
Long Beach CE 82 + 1 70 4183 69.72
Pacifico Mountain NW 28 7 378 6.3
Pasadena SE 109 + 3 129 8091 134.85
Point Dume SW 78 + 1 14 1140 19
San Dimas NW 78 28 1209 20.15
San Fernando NE 68 7 599 9.98
San Fernando SW 53 19 755 12.58
South Gate NW 58 15 650 10.83
Topanga CE 56 14 1060 17.67

12 January 2022

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 43 + 1 23 1045 17.42
Hi Vista CE 24 17 691 11.52
Lancaster East CW 43 16 907 15.12
Liebre Mountain NW 42 17 1004 16.73
Long Beach CE 87 + 1 85 5026 83.77
Pacifico Mountain NW 31 12 712 11.87
Pasadena SE 101 + 2 177 10704 178.4
Point Dume SW 82 17 1192 19.87
San Dimas NW 71 36 1591 26.52
San Fernando NE 36 7 600 10
San Fernando SW 53 21 772 12.87
South Gate NW 59 16 708 11.8
Topanga CE 58 18 1322 22.03

21 January 2022

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 43 + 1 23 1045 17.42
Hi Vista CE 27 + 1 26 1102 18.37
Lancaster East CW 48 25 1523 25.38
Liebre Mountain NW 42 17 1004 16.73
Long Beach CE 91 + 1 108 6335 105.58
Pacifico Mountain NW 35 21 1267 21.12
Pasadena SE 108 + 2 213 12739 212.32
Point Dume SW 81 17 1192 19.87
San Dimas NW 72 41 1825 30.42
San Fernando NE 39 13 1063 17.72
San Fernando SW 57 26 953 15.88
South Gate NW 60 20 929 15.48
Topanga CE 60 26 2048 34.13

25 January 2022

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 43 + 1 24 1054 17.57
Hi Vista CE 27 + 1 27 1259 20.98
Lancaster East CW 48 25 1523 25.38
Liebre Mountain NW 42 18 1119 18.65
Long Beach CE 92 + 1 113 6741 112.35
Pacifico Mountain NW 35 21 1267 21.12
Pasadena SE 110 + 2 226 13346 222.43
Point Dume SW 81 19 1453 24.22
San Dimas NW 73 42 1900 31.67
San Fernando NE 39 13 1063 17.72
San Fernando SW 57 28 1009 16.82
South Gate NW 60 20 929 15.48
Topanga CE 64 32 2836 47.27

02 February 2022

Block Species Checklists Min Hour
Crystal Lake CW 48 + 1 33 1500 25
Hi Vista CE 28 + 1 31 1345 22.42
Lancaster East CW 48 25 1523 25.38
Liebre Mountain NW 42 18 1119 18.65
Long Beach CE 93 + 1 120 7103 118.38
Pacifico Mountain NW 35 21 1267 21.12
Pasadena SE 110 + 2 272 15894 264.9
Point Dume SW 81 20 1468 24.47
San Dimas NW 72 48 2071 34.52
San Fernando NE 40 18 1474 24.57
San Fernando SW 57 31 1104 18.4
South Gate NW 60 21 969 16.15
Topanga CE 68 37 4097 68.28

09 February 2022

Block Species Checklists Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 48 + 1 34 1560 26
Hi Vista CE 28 + 1 34 1409 23.48333333
Lancaster East CW 49 27 1591 26.51666667
Liebre Mountain NW 47 23 1317 21.95
Long Beach CE 94+ 1 130 7637 127.2833333
Pacifico Mountain NW 35 21 1267 21.11666667
Pasadena SE 111 + 1 306 18001 300.0166667
Point Dume SW 82 24 1628 27.13333333
San Dimas NW 76 53 2618 43.63333333
San Fernando NE 41 20 1605 26.75
San Fernando SW 57 32 1138 18.96666667
South Gate NW 60 21 969 16.15
Topanga CE 71 40 4465 74.41666667

15 February 2022

Block Species Checklist Minutes Hours
Crystal Lake CW 48+1 35 1621 27.02
Hi Vista CE 28+1 34 1409 23.48
Lancaster East CW 49 29 2038 33.97
Liebre Mountain NW 47 23 1317 21.95
Long Beach CE 95 + 1 135 7862 131.03
Pacifico Mountain NW 35 21 1267 21.12
Pasadena SE 113 + 1 325 19586 326.43
Point Dume SW 82 26 1681 28.02
San Dimas NW 76 55 2743 45.72
San Fernando NE 51 + 1 22 1881 31.35
San Fernando SW 57 32 1138 18.97
South Gate NW 63 23 1065 17.75
Topanga CE 72 45 4950 82.5

Here are the species found in each block as of Feb 15, 2022: (Only a few blocks are shown in each table; scroll down for more blocks)

Crystal Lake CW Hi Vista CE Lancaster East CW Liebre Mountain NW
Mountain Quail Eurasian Collared-Dove California Quail Mountain Quail
Band-tailed Pigeon Mourning Dove Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) California Quail
White-throated Swift Turkey Vulture Eurasian Collared-Dove Chukar
Anna's Hummingbird Red-tailed Hawk Mourning Dove Band-tailed Pigeon
Turkey Vulture Barn Owl Anna's Hummingbird White-throated Swift
Golden Eagle Burrowing Owl Killdeer Anna's Hummingbird
Sharp-shinned Hawk Ladder-backed Woodpecker California Gull Golden Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk Northern Flicker Cooper's Hawk Cooper's Hawk
Great Horned Owl American Kestrel Red-tailed Hawk Red-tailed Hawk
Acorn Woodpecker Merlin Nuttall's Woodpecker Great Horned Owl
Nuttall's Woodpecker Prairie Falcon Northern Flicker Red-breasted Sapsucker
Hairy Woodpecker Say's Phoebe American Kestrel Acorn Woodpecker
White-headed Woodpecker Loggerhead Shrike Merlin Nuttall's Woodpecker
Northern Flicker Common Raven Peregrine Falcon Hairy Woodpecker
Black Phoebe Verdin Black Phoebe Northern Flicker
Hutton's Vireo Horned Lark Say's Phoebe American Kestrel
Steller's Jay Rock Wren Vermilion Flycatcher Steller's Jay
California Scrub-Jay Bewick's Wren Loggerhead Shrike California Scrub-Jay
Clark's Nutcracker Cactus Wren American Crow Common Raven
Common Raven European Starling Common Raven Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee Mountain Bluebird Horned Lark Oak Titmouse
Oak Titmouse House Sparrow Tree Swallow Bushtit
Bushtit House Finch Ruby-crowned Kinglet Wrentit
Wrentit Black-throated Sparrow White-breasted Nuthatch Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Dark-eyed Junco Brown Creeper White-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch White-crowned Sparrow European Starling Bewick's Wren
White-breasted Nuthatch Bell's Sparrow Sage Thrasher European Starling
Pygmy Nuthatch Western Meadowlark Northern Mockingbird California Thrasher
Brown Creeper Western Bluebird Western Bluebird
Canyon Wren hummingbird sp. Mountain Bluebird Hermit Thrush
Bewick's Wren Hermit Thrush American Robin
California Thrasher American Robin Phainopepla
Western Bluebird Scaly-breasted Munia American Pipit
Townsend's Solitaire House Sparrow House Finch
Hermit Thrush American Pipit Purple Finch
Phainopepla House Finch Pine Siskin
House Finch Lesser Goldfinch Lawrence's Goldfinch
Purple Finch American Goldfinch Chipping Sparrow
Lesser Goldfinch Chipping Sparrow Fox Sparrow
Fox Sparrow Lark Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco Dark-eyed Junco White-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow California Towhee
Song Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Rufous-crowned Sparrow
California Towhee Western Meadowlark Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee Brewer's Blackbird Western Meadowlark
Yellow-rumped Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler
Townsend's Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Cassin's/Plumbeous Vireo
Long Beach CE Pacifico Mountain NW Pasadena SE Point Dume SW
Canada Goose California Quail Canada Goose Mallard
Egyptian Goose Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) Blue-winged Teal Surf Scoter
American Wigeon Mourning Dove Northern Shoveler California Quail
Mallard Anna's Hummingbird American Wigeon Western Grebe
Ring-necked Duck Cooper's Hawk Mallard Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
Ruddy Duck Red-tailed Hawk Ring-necked Duck Band-tailed Pigeon
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) Nuttall's Woodpecker Ruddy Duck Mourning Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove Northern Flicker California Quail White-throated Swift
Mourning Dove Black Phoebe Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) Anna's Hummingbird
White-throated Swift Say's Phoebe Band-tailed Pigeon Allen's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird Loggerhead Shrike Eurasian Collared-Dove Black-bellied Plover
Costa's Hummingbird California Scrub-Jay Mourning Dove Snowy Plover
Allen's Hummingbird Common Raven White-throated Swift Whimbrel
American Coot Mountain Chickadee Anna's Hummingbird Long-billed Curlew
Black-bellied Plover Oak Titmouse Costa's Hummingbird Marbled Godwit
Killdeer Verdin Allen's Hummingbird Sanderling
Spotted Sandpiper Bushtit American Coot Pigeon Guillemot
Ring-billed Gull White-breasted Nuthatch Black-bellied Plover Bonaparte's Gull
Western Gull Bewick's Wren Killdeer Heermann's Gull
California Gull Cactus Wren Least Sandpiper Ring-billed Gull
Double-crested Cormorant European Starling Western Sandpiper Western Gull
American White Pelican California Thrasher Ring-billed Gull California Gull
Snowy Egret Northern Mockingbird Western Gull Glaucous-winged Gull
Turkey Vulture Western Bluebird California Gull Caspian Tern
Osprey American Robin Double-crested Cormorant Royal Tern
Sharp-shinned Hawk Phainopepla American White Pelican Elegant Tern
Cooper's Hawk House Sparrow Great Blue Heron Red-throated Loon
Red-shouldered Hawk House Finch Great Egret Pacific Loon
Red-tailed Hawk Lesser Goldfinch Snowy Egret Common Loon
Ferruginous Hawk Dark-eyed Junco Green Heron Black-vented Shearwater
Great Horned Owl White-crowned Sparrow Turkey Vulture Brandt's Cormorant
Belted Kingfisher Golden-crowned Sparrow Osprey Pelagic Cormorant
Downy Woodpecker California Towhee Sharp-shinned Hawk Double-crested Cormorant
Nuttall's Woodpecker Spotted Towhee Cooper's Hawk Brown Pelican
Northern Flicker Yellow-rumped Warbler Red-shouldered Hawk White-tailed Kite
American Kestrel Red-tailed Hawk Northern Harrier
Peregrine Falcon Barn Owl Cooper's Hawk
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet Great Horned Owl Red-shouldered Hawk
Mitred Parakeet Long-eared Owl Red-tailed Hawk
Pacific-slope Flycatcher Belted Kingfisher Red-breasted Sapsucker
Black Phoebe Red-naped Sapsucker Acorn Woodpecker
Say's Phoebe Red-breasted Sapsucker Downy Woodpecker
Ash-throated Flycatcher Lewis's Woodpecker Nuttall's Woodpecker
Cassin's Kingbird Acorn Woodpecker Northern Flicker
Hutton's Vireo Downy Woodpecker American Kestrel
California Scrub-Jay Nuttall's Woodpecker Nanday Parakeet
American Crow Northern Flicker Black Phoebe
Common Raven American Kestrel Say's Phoebe
Oak Titmouse Merlin Cassin's Kingbird
Bushtit Yellow-chevroned Parakeet California Scrub-Jay
Swinhoe's White-eye Red-crowned Parrot American Crow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Lilac-crowned Parrot Common Raven
White-breasted Nuthatch Red-lored Parrot Oak Titmouse
Brown Creeper Yellow-headed Parrot Barn Swallow
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Mitred Parakeet Bushtit
House Wren Red-masked Parakeet Wrentit
Bewick's Wren Black Phoebe Ruby-crowned Kinglet
European Starling Say's Phoebe White-breasted Nuthatch
Northern Mockingbird Cassin's Kingbird Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Western Bluebird Hutton's Vireo House Wren
Hermit Thrush Plumbeous Vireo Bewick's Wren
American Robin Steller's Jay European Starling
Cedar Waxwing California Scrub-Jay California Thrasher
Scaly-breasted Munia American Crow Northern Mockingbird
Pin-tailed Whydah Common Raven Western Bluebird
House Sparrow Mountain Chickadee Hermit Thrush
American Pipit Oak Titmouse American Robin
House Finch Northern Rough-winged Swallow House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch Violet-green Swallow Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch Red-whiskered Bulbul American Goldfinch
Fox Sparrow Bushtit Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco Wrentit White-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow Red-breasted Nuthatch Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow White-breasted Nuthatch Lincoln's Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow Blue-gray Gnatcatcher California Towhee
Song Sparrow House Wren Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow Bewick's Wren Spotted Towhee
California Towhee European Starling Orange-crowned Warbler
Green-tailed Towhee California Thrasher Common Yellowthroat
Spotted Towhee Northern Mockingbird Yellow-rumped Warbler
Western Meadowlark Western Bluebird Townsend's Warbler
Brown-headed Cowbird Hermit Thrush
Brewer's Blackbird American Robin
Black-and-white Warbler Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler Phainopepla
Nashville Warbler Scaly-breasted Munia
Common Yellowthroat Pin-tailed Whydah
Chestnut-sided Warbler House Sparrow
Yellow-rumped Warbler House Finch
Black-throated Gray Warbler Purple Finch
Townsend's Warbler Pine Siskin
Hermit Warbler Lesser Goldfinch
Wilson's Warbler American Goldfinch
Summer Tanager Chipping Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Cassin's/Plumbeous Vireo Fox Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
California Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Brewer's Blackbird
Great-tailed Grackle
Orange-crowned Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Western Tanager
Black-headed Grosbeak
Snow/Ross's Goose
San Dimas NW San Fernando NE San Fernando SW South Gate NW
Canada Goose Mountain Quail Mallard Northern Shoveler
Mallard California Quail Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) American Wigeon
California Quail Band-tailed Pigeon Eurasian Collared-Dove Mallard
Ring-necked Pheasant Mourning Dove Mourning Dove Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) White-throated Swift White-throated Swift Eurasian Collared-Dove
Band-tailed Pigeon Anna's Hummingbird Anna's Hummingbird Mourning Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove Turkey Vulture Allen's Hummingbird White-throated Swift
Mourning Dove Golden Eagle Western Gull Anna's Hummingbird
White-throated Swift Sharp-shinned Hawk California Gull Allen's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird Red-tailed Hawk Turkey Vulture Least Sandpiper
Allen's Hummingbird Western Screech-Owl Cooper's Hawk Ring-billed Gull
Killdeer Great Horned Owl Red-shouldered Hawk Western Gull
California Gull Acorn Woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk California Gull
Double-crested Cormorant Nuttall's Woodpecker Red-breasted Sapsucker Herring Gull
Great Egret Northern Flicker Nuttall's Woodpecker Iceland Gull (Thayer's)
Turkey Vulture American Kestrel Northern Flicker Glaucous-winged Gull
Osprey Black Phoebe American Kestrel Great Blue Heron
Sharp-shinned Hawk Say's Phoebe Merlin Green Heron
Cooper's Hawk Cassin's Kingbird Black Phoebe Black-crowned Night-Heron
Red-shouldered Hawk Steller's Jay Say's Phoebe Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk California Scrub-Jay Vermilion Flycatcher Cooper's Hawk
Barn Owl American Crow Cassin's Kingbird Red-tailed Hawk
Great Horned Owl Common Raven Hutton's Vireo Acorn Woodpecker
Belted Kingfisher Mountain Chickadee Plumbeous Vireo Nuttall's Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker Oak Titmouse Loggerhead Shrike Northern Flicker
Nuttall's Woodpecker Tree Swallow California Scrub-Jay American Kestrel
Northern Flicker Bushtit American Crow Merlin
American Kestrel Wrentit Common Raven Peregrine Falcon
Merlin Ruby-crowned Kinglet Mountain Chickadee White-winged Parakeet
Red-crowned Parrot White-breasted Nuthatch Bushtit Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
Black Phoebe Bewick's Wren Ruby-crowned Kinglet Mitred Parakeet
Say's Phoebe California Thrasher White-breasted Nuthatch Black Phoebe
Vermilion Flycatcher Western Bluebird House Wren Say's Phoebe
Cassin's Kingbird Hermit Thrush Bewick's Wren Vermilion Flycatcher
Hutton's Vireo American Robin European Starling Cassin's Kingbird
California Scrub-Jay Phainopepla Northern Mockingbird Plumbeous Vireo
American Crow House Finch Western Bluebird California Scrub-Jay
Common Raven Purple Finch Hermit Thrush American Crow
Oak Titmouse Pine Siskin American Robin Common Raven
Bushtit Lesser Goldfinch Cedar Waxwing Bushtit
Wrentit Lawrence's Goldfinch House Sparrow Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Fox Sparrow House Finch European Starling
White-breasted Nuthatch Dark-eyed Junco Lesser Goldfinch Northern Mockingbird
Brown Creeper White-crowned Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Western Bluebird
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Golden-crowned Sparrow Lark Sparrow Hermit Thrush
Bewick's Wren Song Sparrow Fox Sparrow Cedar Waxwing
Cactus Wren California Towhee Dark-eyed Junco House Sparrow
European Starling Rufous-crowned Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow American Pipit
Gray Catbird Spotted Towhee Golden-crowned Sparrow House Finch
California Thrasher Orange-crowned Warbler Savannah Sparrow Lesser Goldfinch
Northern Mockingbird Yellow-rumped Warbler Song Sparrow Chipping Sparrow
Western Bluebird California Towhee Fox Sparrow
Hermit Thrush Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird Spotted Towhee Dark-eyed Junco
American Robin Orange-crowned Warbler White-crowned Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing Common Yellowthroat Savannah Sparrow
Pin-tailed Whydah Yellow-rumped Warbler Song Sparrow
House Sparrow Townsend's Warbler California Towhee
American Pipit Spotted Towhee
House Finch Brown-headed Cowbird
Lesser Goldfinch Brewer's Blackbird
Lawrence's Goldfinch Orange-crowned Warbler
American Goldfinch Yellow-rumped Warbler
Chipping Sparrow Black-throated Gray Warbler
Lark Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
California Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Orange-crowned Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Topanga CE
Northern Shoveler
California Quail
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
Band-tailed Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Mourning Dove
White-throated Swift
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird
Allen's Hummingbird
Ring-billed Gull
Western Gull
California Gull
Turkey Vulture
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Great Horned Owl
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Acorn Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Nuttall's Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Peregrine Falcon
Nanday Parakeet
Greater Pewee
Black Phoebe
Say's Phoebe
Cassin's Kingbird
Hutton's Vireo
California Scrub-Jay
American Crow
Common Raven
Oak Titmouse
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
White-breasted Nuthatch
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Canyon Wren
House Wren
Bewick's Wren
European Starling
California Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird
Western Bluebird
Hermit Thrush
American Robin
Cedar Waxwing
House Sparrow
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Fox Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
California Towhee
Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Western Meadowlark
Orange-crowned Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Summer Tanager