Indian Peafowl

Indian Peafowl of Pasadena


Thu, Sep 24, 2020 7:00 PM

As part of the ABA’s Young Birder Mentoring Program, Molly studied the introduced population of peacocks in Pasadena. Molly was curious about their life history here as well as any impacts they might be having on native species. She found there were surprising gaps in data available online, so she started doing field work herself to try to research topics she couldn’t find online. Some topics she focused on were estimating their population and population density, learning when and how they breed and molt, what they eat, and if/how they interact with various native species. Though Molly still has questions about peacocks, she was able to successfully research some of those topics; some of the most striking results were a high population density and evidence that they are rapidly expanding their territory. Join us for an interesting and, bound to be beautiful, evening of learning and fun!