California Condor

Reducing lead poisoning in avian species: the role of Conservation Toxicology

Myra Finkelstein, Ph.D.

Tue, Nov 09, 2021 7:00 PM

Photo of Myra Finkelstein

Dr. Myra Finkelstein is an Adjunct Professor in the Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Department at the University of California Santa Cruz and her research focuses on human impacts to wildlife with an emphasis on contaminant-induced effects.

Dr. Finkelstein has contributed significantly to understanding the chronic exposure to lead ammunition as the number one mortality factor for free-flying California Condors. Her research played a significant role in raising awareness of the lead ammunition issue which resulted in the passage of the bill to prohibit the use of lead ammunition for hunting throughout California, the first such law in the nation.

Dr. Finkelstein has also focused her research on contaminant-induced effects and toxicology in marine seabirds, such as the Laysan and Black-footed Albatross, where she uses biomarkers of contaminant exposure to examine the population-level changes on these seabird species due to marine pollution.

Dr. Finkelstein’s work is part of a new hybrid of research –using environmental toxicology to inform conservation biology. Join us as we learn more about this important and policy-relevant research.

Here is a video of the talk: