Kettle of Swainson's Hawks

Raptors in Flight

Dessi Sieburth

Tue, Aug 17, 2021 7:00 PM

Distinguishing raptors in flight can be difficult, largely because they are so variable in plumage. Knowing status and distribution and which characteristics to look for can help to make the correct ID. Habitat, shape, structure, plumage, flight style, and behavior are all important when identifying raptors.

Join Dessi Sieburth as he takes us through the challenges and fun of raptor identification, with a focus on the large hawks known as buteos.

Here is a video of the talk:

Here is a table from the talk:

Species Morph Age Belly band Trailing edge Tail band(s) from below Upperwing/rump patch
Red-tailed Hawk light ad present present,bold one faint band on red tail absent
juv present faint to absent many faint bands absent
dark ad absent present,bold one faint band on red tail absent
juv absent faint to absent many faint bands absent
Ferruginous Hawk light ad absent faint no bands on white tail upperwing patch
juv absent absent no to faint bands on white tail upperwing patch
dark ad absent faint no bands on white tail upperwing patch
juv absent absent no to faint bands on white tail upperwing patch
Rough-legged Hawk light ad present present,bold thick black band on white tail rump patch
juv present faint thick faint band on white tail both present
dark ad absent present,bold thick black band on white tail rump patch
juv absent faint thick faint band on white tail both present
Swainson's Hawk light ad absent absent dark band on end of barred tail no to faint rump patch
juv absent absent no to faint band on barred tail variable rump patch
dark ad absent absent dark band on end of barred tail no to faint rump patch
juv absent absent no to faint band on barred tail no to faint rump patch
Zone-tailed Hawk ad absent present, bold 3-4 white bands on black tail absent
juv absent faint to absent many thin black-and-white bands absent