Clark's Nutcracker

Field Trip: Islip Saddle to Windy Gap

Sun, Jul 07, 2024

7:30 AM — 2:00 PM

Leaders: Lance Benner and Naresh Satyan

Join us for a hike through montane chaparral and forest from Islip Saddle (elevation = 6700 feet) to Little Jimmy Spring and Windy Gap (elevation 7500 feet). This hike also includes montane forest that burned in the Bobcat Fire in 2020.

This trip provides an opportunity to practice distinguishing confusing songs of montane species such as Thick-billed Fox Sparrows from Green-tailed Towhees; Cassin’s Finches from Purple Finches, and Chipping Sparrows from Dark-eyed Juncos. For more on confusing sounds, see Lance’s recent webinar.

There could also be numerous young birds. The one-way distance to Windy Gap is about 2.5 miles, but if there’s interest, we may extend the hike another 1.4 miles (and up another 900 feet) to Hawkins Ridge, which increases the chances for Clark’s Nutcracker, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Red-Breasted Sapsucker, and Townsend’s Solitaire.

Currently signup is limited to LAB members, who will receive an email with instructions for how to sign up.